Sunday, July 19, 2009


It seems like we were just down in Texas but the reality is that we have been home almost two weeks ! In those two weeks I have not written on my blog once, I have not dusted, nor made significant headway on my diet or my new exercise regiment. Where has the time gone?

I often contemplate on the fact that each of us has the same 24 hours in a day and yet some people accomplish so much more than I do. And then I think of the things I have done in the past two weeks, I had a wonderful time at my sister-in-law, Mary Lou's, house as we visited with many of Peter's siblings and families. We have had the opportunity of being with our in town grand kids three times in the last two weeks. I was able to spend unhurried time with my mom one day and enjoyed a dinner with both my parents. I had leisure time to play games, walk and talk with my husband. I enjoyed a fabulous evening with some of my favorite girl friends as well as a wonderful brunch with some other favorite friends. All of this on top of having the daily delight of caring for Qwerty, Moe and Little Guy. LG learned to do SO BIG last Thursday to his mom's and my delight.

All of these things remind me how much God has blessed me and how grateful I am for every 24 hours given to me!


  1. Good point! - 20 years from now the precious time you spent with family and friends will mean SO much more than if you dusted! It was great seeing you today!

  2. I agree with Alyssa! I am glad you spend the time with family and friends.... who cares if you have a dusty house!
