Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Disappearing Pie

I made a peach pie tonight. I had been promising to make one since Tuesday but I didn't get started on it until about 7 p.m..

My mom, my sister and I had go to see The Time Traveler's Wife this afternoon and we went for coffee afterward. When I dropped my mom off at home I had to run in to see my dad and that lead to a few games of Kings in the Corner. So by the time I left their house and got to the store for the ingredients for pie it was already 6 o'clock.

I had the crust baked and cooling, the mixture for the bottom mixed up and the glaze cooling when my son and his girlfriend arrived with the game Blockus. We started playing the game, which was easy to learn and fun to play, until I had to drop out to peel and slice the peaches. They were SO juicy and slippery, I knew they were going to make a great pie. The peach slices were piled high and the glaze covered them and I put the pie in the fridge to cool. Everyone was waiting to have a slice of pie but I said that it need to chill for awhile.

Finally, it was time! The pie sliced perfectly and I topped each piece with a generous swirl of whipping cream. My husband pour fresh coffee and we lifted our forks. The first bite was an explosion of flavors! It was like heaven! By 10:10 my son was licking the pie plate. Luckily, I have enough ingredients to make another one, this time to share with others!


  1. sounds delicious! By the title of your blog, I thought the dog was going to eat it or something like that! How was the movie?

  2. Mmm mmm yum... I wish I was there to have some!I LOVE peach pie!
